The weekend so far

Thumper kept me company on the couch while I knitted on Friday.

I am invisible

Coy Thumper

I'm so cuuuute

I finally finished the first sock of the pair I’ve been working on forever. The yarn is “fine”, the pattern is “fine”, but neither is that thrilling and this project really just feels like a chore. I want to get the second one done ASAP so I can move on to something I’m excited about.

One down...

I’m much more enthused about the dyeing I did on Friday. Two approximately 5oz bumps of Falklands wool, which I’ve never worked with before. It’s quite soft and lofty (it puffed right back up after drying), and I can’t wait to try spinning it.

This blue/green one I’m calling Seaglass:


And this one, which I completely adore, I’m calling Woodland Flowers. I love the pink/turquoise/purple/brown combo and the watercolor-y blending.

Woodland Flowers

It’s been a very food-packed social weekend: Geek Beer and sushi with a guest appearance by Hunter, a yummy cookout at Jeff and Michelle’s, and I’m headed to my parents for a Father’s Day cookout in a few hours.

Happy First Day of Summer!

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