I maded some stuff

Jag was off camping this weekend, so I had some time to myself for crafty activities. Aside from watching the diabetic-coma-inducing “Miss Potter” (which confirmed my Renee Zellweger dislike), I got a few useful things done.

  • A patchwork skirt! I took a New Look pattern for a 3-tiered skirt and altered it so that each tier consists of 8 or more fabrics. I picked out a bunch of teal and purple stash fabric and went to town. Some of this fabric has been with me since the mid 90s and has been used in one or more quilts, so it’s a little weird to look down and see it there as part of a garment.

    In making this, I learned that gathers are much easier when you 1.) use a strong thread and 2.) use a different colored thread for the bobbin, since the bobbin threads are the ones you have to pull to make the gathers and it’s best if you can FIND them. I also learned that getting the “broomstick” look takes a whole lot of drying time. The skirt didn’t get as evenly wrinkly as I wanted, so I’ll try again when I wash it. I want to make a couple more of these with different fabrics.

    Off with her head!

    Skirt front

    The side!

    New skirt side view

    The back!

    New skirt back view

  • I also spun up another bobbin of the purple/black/magenta superwash for the 3-ply sock yarn for someone. I’m trying to get the last bobbin finished up before the Tour de Fleece starts on the 4th. I’m still working on picking out what to spin for that.

    2 bobbins down, 1 to go

  • Muffins! I went to the State Farmers Market with my parents and Robin on Saturday and brought home a pint of blueberries (along with goat cheese, salami/provolone bread, tomatoes, peaches and corn). I made these for breakfast using a Fannie Farmer cookbook recipe, and since Jag doesn’t particularly like blueberries, it was a nice treat for me.

    Blueberry muffins!

The End

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