Tour de Fleece update, days 1-2

Much of Day One of the Tour was taken up with finishing up the purple/black sock yarn for someone, which was not even a Tour project. The plying took a good long time, but the results were so worth it.

Please forgive all the pictures, but I consider this to be my best spinning ever. I got at least 320 yards (a conservative estimate) of 18wpi fingering weight 3-ply yarn out of 4.5 oz of superwash merino. When I first started spinning, I wanted to make sock yarn that looked like certain types of commercial sock yarn with multiple contrasting plies (like this Trekking XXL, for example):

Trekking XXL example

I think I’ve succeeded.

Mom's sock yarn

Head of garlic shown for scale because coins are boring. ;-)

Mom's sock yarn

Mom's sock yarn

Mom's sock yarn

I am totally thrilled with it and can’t wait to knit the socks. Sock yarn may well be my spinning “niche”.

On the remaining time during Day One, I managed to spin up about 1.25 oz of the remaining 2oz of red/orange and blue Targhee I was making into 2-ply sock yarn. Today (Day Two!), I finished spinning the rest, threw caution to the wind and re-wound the new bobbin to try and settle down the twist in the singles, and plied it with the old stuff. I don’t have yardage or WPI yet, since it’s still soaking wet, but I did take a couple pictures. I think this may be my last 2-ply sock yarn, since I’m so in love with the 3-ply. The Targhee has a lot of nice bounce, and the yarn should make some fun socks. I’m just trying to ignore the fact that the colors scream “Denver Broncos”.

Jeans and an Orange Sweatshirt

Jeans and an Orange Sweatshirt

I’m going to start spinning the grey and blue-green singles tonight. That’s 11oz of fiber, and it’ll take me several days of effort to get the singles spun up.

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One Response to “Tour de Fleece update, days 1-2”

  1. Hey, I really admire the design of your site. What design are you using?

